5 Tips to Stay Motivated in Business

Staying motivated as an entrepreneur is not an easy task but it’s one we need to own and manage. It is the most important task of your day, it is the most important accomplishment as a business owner.

Here’s why - it is up to YOU to make it happen. If you’re a solopreneur this can be even more challenging.

Here are five tips that may help you brush your shoulders off, straighten your crown, and keep going.

Disconnect - You read that right. Disconnect. We sit in-front of our computers for so many hours. It’s our happy place. Yep! As crazy as that sounds, if you’re a business owner… you love it. You love your business and ideas just keep coming but sometimes you feel stuck. Here’s when you disconnect and move! Get up and walk. Go anywhere. Grab your pup or your favorite playlist (or both) and go for a walk… even if it’s for only 15-20min. Look at the trees, play ball with your dog, people watch.

Give yourself a mental break - Time yourself. You got 15 minutes to decompress. Get on your phone and scroll until your alarm goes off. Read an article, watch the news or funny videos. How does this work? Like it or not you’ll find things that will drive you crazy, that will upset you or make you smile. These things will spark feelings inside you and these feelings can easily spark ideas. What can you do to fix that problem? How can what you just learned be adapted to help your clients? Your business? Inspiration is everywhere but time yourself. You don’t want to waste time, you want to invest time seeking inspiration. Set your alarm.

Befriend entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurs understand how you’re feeling and they know the importance of breaks, of stimulating conversations, of partnerships, of community. Network with them. Set up a coffee or lunch and talk about your challenges and triumphs. You will find that when you reach out to like-minded people and invest in these relationships, you will find solutions to your problems or help them with theirs. This will fire you up and give you the energy needed to keep working on your business.

Take the day off - Yep! Ask your boss (yep… that’s YOU) for the day off. Tell that bossy know it all you need a solid day off and do nothing. Sleep, watch movies, your favorite show, go shopping - whatever makes you happy. I promise that you will come back stronger the next day. Sometimes we just need a slow day. Be kind to yourself.

Look at your financial forecast - That’s right. I said it. Look at the money you plan to make and set new goals. Develop a plan to reach them. I’m not saying to “follow the money” - I believe in following your passion and the money will come. Absolutely! However, sometimes watching your financial potential on an excel sheet can light the fire within you and give you a new perspective. It won’t only motivate you but it will give you a sense of ownership and security. You have the power. Remember that.

I have other tricks up my sleeve but let’s get started with the above mentioned. Let me know if they help you and share your tricks with me as well. I’m all ears… afterall, remember to never go to sleep without learning at least one new thing every day.


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