6 Tips for Negotiating a Raise

This blog is dedicated to those who may have never before negotiated a raise for themselves or have done so timidly or without success. You may be wondering what you should know and do when negotiating a raise. It’s an art-form. Read on to discover some great tips!

Know your worth

Knowing your worth is an essential life skill that translates into virtually every aspect of life. It can be difficult to know our self-worth in a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages that equate our value with external factors such as wealth and appearance. We must unlearn these toxic ideas and recognize that our true worth lies within, not outside of us. As we begin to understand ourselves on a deeper level, we become less focused on constantly striving for external success and more contented with simply being in the present moment. This newfound confidence can also help us take risks, find success in our chosen field of work or study, and focus on relationships that fulfill us rather than ones in which we give endlessly without receiving anything back in return.

When we learn to appreciate all that makes us unique, our capacity for self-love is unlocked and can create a ripple effect throughout our life; when we value ourselves, others will too. So remember – it's never too late to discover your true worth and change your life for the better. Realizing your own inner power is a meaningful step towards becoming the best version of yourself you could ever imagine. Have faith in yourself: you have what it takes! The journey begins from within – start today by taking time to focus on your own personal growth and development. Never stop learning.

Do your research

In today's age of digital entertainment, finding reliable and accurate information can be daunting. With so many dubious sources available online, it's not always easy to determine which facts are correct. That's why it's important to do your research before forming an opinion or making any significant decisions. Checking multiple sources and triangulating the data is also a good way to vet for accuracy. Always check salary.com to understand how much you should be getting paid. Remember to select the city in which you are applying to work at as salaries vary by state (and even city). Take it a step further and search for job descriptions with the title you are seeking to get a job for. Then optimize your LinkedIn profile and resume with a couple of these keywords. More often than not, you are applying to a role where you already have some experience. With thorough investigation and thoughtful consideration, you can arm yourself with quality insights that will give you the upper hand. You won't regret it!

Practice, practice, practice

For any skill to be perfected or any new habit that needs to be developed, practice is undoubtedly the key. Whether you are trying to improve your football throw or train your dog to sit and stay, it always takes a bit of effort and discipline. Think of practice as an investment; the more you put in, the more you will get out of it later on. It helps if you dedicate a set amount of time each day towards what you’re trying to accomplish - small increments over a sustained period will yield better results than cramming an intense session into one day.

Stand in-front of a mirror, speak up and watch your mannerisms. Then sit up straight, with a mirror in-front of you and watch how you express yourself in the environment you will likely be at when negotiating your salary. This could be in-person or over Zoom. Furthermore, write down five to six reasons why you deserve the raise (and/or promotion) and remember to mention how you will continue to contribute to the organization. You are selling yourself to them so think about what you bring to the table.

Timing is everything

Timing is one of the main factors that can make or break any situation. Being in the right place at precisely the right moment is often crucial to achieving success. This concept applies in many aspects of life, ranging from making important decisions, to recognizing opportunities, and even pursuing hobbies. Of course, it’s difficult to predict with precision when something will happen. However, it’s possible to position yourself in such a way as to be ready and alert for a potential opportunity when it arises.

Successful individuals are usually master strategists capable of predicting possible outcomes and changing tactics if needed. They also recognize that sometimes timing really is everything when it comes to reaching their goals; carefully weighing each decision and maximizing the chance for success by being in the right place at just the right time. It’s an essential skill that can help you go far in life, no matter what your ambitions may be.

When negotiating your salary, mention your reasons why as stated above - be concise, positive, and secure. Keep your poker face on throughout the conversation and keep your eyes on who you are speaking to. Once you deliver said points, wait until the other person speaks. Speaking before them can hurt your results. Let them speak, then pause, and strategically think of your answer - which you would have already practiced. Remember to be ready to negotiate. This can come in the form of vacation time, a flexible work schedule, etc.

Stay positive

Staying positive can be one of the most challenging things to do, especially when we are facing difficulties or hardships. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by negative thoughts and spirals of pessimism, which can quickly lead to feelings of helplessness and despair. However, remaining positive can help us to stay focused on what is important in life and use our energy more productively. Rather than dwelling on issues outside of our control, it can be beneficial to focus on what we can actively do to improve our situation or outlook. This might involve changing our attitude towards a particular problem or stepping back from a situation to gain some perspective.

Staying positive requires resilience and perseverance - even when everything else seems bleak. So whenever you find yourself stuck in negativity, remember that each new day comes with hope - all you have to do is keep believing in yourself and working towards your goals!

Don’t give up too easily

Many of us are faced with tough challenges and sometimes our first instinct is to give up. We get frustrated and overwhelmed, believing that the obstacles are too great to overcome. However, it is important to remember that all worthwhile goals require hard work and dedication - and sometimes you have to push yourself beyond what you think you are capable of. Don't give up when things get tough, but instead try to focus on the end result that you want to achieve. Should things not go your way when asking for a raise don’t be afraid to ask what you need to work on in order to achieve that next step in your career. Set S.M.A.R.T goals with your supervisor and meet with them regularly - ideally every three to six months - to track your progress. Have a plan and put it to action.

woman meeting with boss

What other tips do you have? Leave them in the comments below.


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